Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November Quick tip ----Gratitude!


It is easy to be grateful for certain things. When everything is going just peachy, when everyone is doing what we expect from them, basically when life is running smoothly it is easier to give thanks. The trick , however can be in the ability to be grateful when it is a little more challenging to see the goodness.

For example,
I was stuck in traffic the other day, feeling aggravated about the hold up and inconvenience when suddenly I reminded myself to be thankful that I was not the one in the car accident that caused the traffic.
There are numerous time in life that people "push our buttons" and make our lives difficult and although I know this may be hard to imagine, how would it be to give thanks to those people for teaching us patience? How might we approach others if we kept an "attitude of gratitude" for the lessons we learn along the way? Other situations to think about:

----Giving thanks for the cranky teenagers who live with us who remind us that getting older is not so bad (who would want to be a teen again? not me!)

----Gratitude to people who don't do things "up to our standards" to remind us that maybe sometimes "good enough" is (dare I say it?) actually good enough.

----Being grateful for the good times and the not so good times because in life, the bitter sweet is what we often get.

And finally, giving thanks to the challenge in life whether it be at work, our personal lives or even in school. Often we don't know how much strength we have inside until we are stretched far beyond where we thought we could go....
And speaking of giving thanks--
thank you to all of you for reading my quick tips! As I share my "tips" and connect with people through my workshops and coaching, I am truly living my purpose. I am very grateful for this...

Enjoy your day off, the turkey and all of the folks gathered around your dinner table...

Happy thanksgiving!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

OCTOBER QUICK TIP!!! We all know this but maybe we need a reminder....
Letting It Go
As some of you know, I lost my mind :) and decided to go back to school to pursue a Master's in Counseling. While I am enjoying the challenge, I am begining to feel a little stretched thin. I am sure for most of you reading this, you are juggling multiple responsibilities as well. The kids, work responsibilites, the relatives, keeping the house clean---the list goes on and on.
So, as I finished homework this morning after making breakfast before going to work, I reached for the vacuum with 5 minutes to spare before heading out the door, and I decided something's gotta go. I put the vacuum down. OK. I picked it back up again. But I decided to do a quick run through instead of a deep clean. (baby steps!) Then I decided to ask one of the kids to help me. Maybe tomorrow I will walk away from the dishes...
My point is this---We must let it go. Something. Anything. Maybe it is the idea that we need to do everything ourselves. Maybe it is to let go of the ideal that everything needs to be perfect. That we need to be perfect. Maybe it's to let go of caring so much about appearances. Maybe it is just to let go of driving ouselves crazy with self imposed standards of how it is "suppose" to be. What can we learn by looking around and being grateful for where we are right now? And what can we let go of to get us further along the path of where we long to be?
Wow! What a journey it has been lately....Since my last post in August, I have changed my job and enrolled in graduate studies! I am working in mental helath and I am really enjoying the challenge and the many rewards that this field offers. I have also decided to pursue a Master's in Counseling to enhance my work as a speaker, coach and case worker. Being back at school is strange at times (sitting at little desks, taking notes and writing papers again! ugh :) but I think I am ready to take it on. I am already learning so many new skills and it is helping me to see the world from a new perspecive. I guess that is what I was looking for back in August. I was a feeling a little restless and I had an urge to shake it up a bit. I wasn't sure what was the best direction to move in so I just picked one. Sometimes, we all need to gain a new perspective. To be brave. To jump right in it. To change it up. And when we finally take the leap, to have faith that it will all work out.
Enjoy the journey...
Courtney Kelley

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I recently received an email promoting a new book for entrepreneurs that talked about one woman's amazing journey into business. The book is called "Rules for Renegades" written by Christine Comaford-Lynch (available through amazon.com, if you are interested). Anyway, I haven't read the book but what caught my eye about this story was the title of one of the chapters. It is called "Everything is an illusion so pick one that's empowering."

Wow! If you think about that quote for a moment, where does your mind go? I immediately think of new possibilities...I think of new ideas that need a chance to grow. I think of beliefs that I hold that need to go to make way for success...I actually sit up straighter and get excited for what could be! Think about the many ways we all get to CHOOSE not only how we live our lives but how we view it as well!!

When facing a decision, rather than going for the less scary, more comfortable choice, what could shift in our lives if we picked the most empowering one?

What kind of love life would you have? Work life? Relationship with yourself?

If you start by deciding what you want to attract more of in your life, what "illusion" would you choose to believe in?


And speaking of Attraction....

If you have seen or heard about "The Secret" and want to learn more about attracting more happiness, money, better relationships and more success in your life join us for this discussion!

Join us for the season wrap-up of "Reach for Your Dreams With Courtney Kelley"
We will be discussing the Law of Attraction with Coach Kerry Cudmore!

Saturday at 5 p.m. on Talk Radio 920 WHJJ am
streaming at www.920WHJJ.com

email questions: DreamBig@920WHJJ.com

talk to you then!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"Reach for Your Dreams with Courtney Kelley"
continues this week with Dr. George King as we discuss reaching your
health & wellness goals!

If you have any questions for him concerning fitness, nutrition, or increasing your energy, feel free to email DreamBig@920WHJJ.com

We will also take your calls at 1-866-920-WHJJ

Tune in Saturday at 5 on Talk Radio 920 WHJJ
streaming on-line www.920WHJJ.com

****And if you are feeling inspired to "go for it" in your life but need a little push--
Join the Dream Club! Email me your goal and 3 action steps you would like to accomplish this summer to get closer to your dream and I will keep you accountable & celebrate with you when you complete them!

See you on the radio & enjoy your journey...

Courtney Kelley

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This month's quick tip is "recycled"---I was reading through my writings and decided it bears repeating...

Are you feeling distracted? Having a hard time moving toward your dream? Did you lose your commitment? Don't beat yourself up! It is perfectly normal to veer off course from time to time. Take an honest assessment of where you are and name the first step you can take to recommit yourself TODAY. Being successful and fulfilling your dreams has less to do with being on track 100 % of the time and has more to do with being able to jump back into the game when life blows obstacles your way. Failures and setbacks will happen. This is where we learn some of life's most valuable lessons. And when you feel discouraged, remember that it took Thomas Edison 10,000 tries to invent the light bulb...thank goodness he didn't give up at 9,999!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Thank you for all of the wonderful emails of support for my new radio show!

"Reach For Your Dreams With Courtney Kelley"
continues this week with guest Joanne LeBlanc, CPCC
founder of Life Coaching by Design & the Coaching Tree

We will be discussing "Taking Risks ---How To Embrace Success & Failure"
and we will take coaching calls at 1-866-920-WHJJ and emails at

Tune in Saturday at 5
920 AM WHJJ and streaming online at http://www.920whjj.com/

Topics in the weeks to come include:
Going for a dream in the fabulous 40's and 50's
Time management: how to find the time and energy to go for what you want
What to do if you want to start your own business
Building better relationships in your life
Creating health & wealth!!

Thank you for tuning in!!

Courtney Kelley

Wednesday, June 13, 2007



(streaming on-line at www.920whjj.com)



1-866-920 WHJJ



For some reason this month's Quick Tip has been very hard to write. It is not that I have nothing to say (as most of you know, that would be rare for me!) I am just not sure how to express all of the different ideas that have been jumping into my head. So, I will not try to be clever, or articulate, or even grammatically correct. I will just lay it out and leave you to fill in the rest. Peace.

“Life isn't about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” ---unknown

We are always changing and growing...when we allow ourselves to. From time to time, see what is on the other side when you challenge yourself to drop old habits and ideas. The only way to embrace a fresh perspective is to give yourself permission to try a new one on. You may be surprised (and excited!) to see what you find.

Take a break from judgement....Of others, of yourself. "Why did I do that?" " What was she thinking?"
"I can't believe he is acting like that" We all do it. It makes us feel better, at least for the moment, to think that we know best. maybe we do. But does that matter? I always think about the negativity I am sending out when I am in judgement of others. Instead (I know this sounds corny, but here goes!) I send out peace. Or love, or just like and understanding. Ironically, this can draw the person (and yourself) closer to you and they may even ask for your opinion!

Jump out of the comfort zone!! We all need reminding of this from time to time. It may be "painful" and scary to take on a new challenge or take a step in the direction of your dreams but that dream is in you for a reason. And the reason is probably not for you to keep it hidden. Or wrapped up in a pretty package and put high up on the shelf. Sometimes, we need to shake it up at bit---that dream is there for you to go live it.

Peace and gratitude to all of you....

Courtney Kelley

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ask the Question

Have you ever noticed how important it can be to ask the right question?
How about when talking to yourself? The right question can open up endless
possibilities in your life. That is probably why I love coaching so much.
Listening and asking non-judgmental questions--just being curious can help
someone get clear on what is going on in their life. There is pain and sometimes confusion when we challenge ourselves and get honest about what is really going on.
Is that why we sometimes choose to stay unconscious? If you wanted to be brave and find out something about yourself and discover or uncover something in your life, what would the question be? Ask the question. Listen to the answer.

The right question can be the bridge back to living our lives on a more conscious level and that can lead to fear, pain and confusion (not any one's favorite subjects!)

Yet, what amazing gifts can be found just beyond the pain? How would life change?

For me, the question becomes, "What choices am I currently making in my life that are exhausting me and keeping me small?" And, since everything in my life is a result of the decisions I have made in the past, how can I begin to make new ones and create a new reality for myself?

Powerful Questions. If you ask the right one and take in the answer, it can bring you closer to your higher self...and change the course of your journey.

Monday, May 21, 2007


"Operate out of your imagination--not your memory."

---Les Brown

How much do we allow past experiences to shape our ideas, perceptions and opinions? How much of what we see in the world is "tainted" or prejudged by the experiences we have had in the past? 10%. 25%. 100%? How often do we tap into our imaginations and allow ourselves to freely experience something as new, fresh and full of possibility?

While it is true that the past can serve us as a place to learn our history, maybe our main concern should be with where we are at this moment and what lies ahead. I once read it described in a book that it is like driving a car. The front view is a lot bigger (and more important!) than the rear view mirror when you are trying to move ahead. Looking back too much will surely keep you from where we want to go & it may also make you crash.

I am often faced with the "rear view " dilemma when I am facing a challenge or I am trying to move out of my comfort zone. The voice that is trying to protect me screams out all of the reasons I should play it safe. It usually has something to do with what didn't work out in the past. It is always amazing to see what can shift, however, when you take in the lessons of the past but fix your eyes and your passion firmly ahead of you to the goal at hand. In this way, you can honor your inner wisdom in both perspectives and move confidently forward in the direction of your dreams. Your memory can remind you, but imagination can set you free!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

OK--My Quick Tip is not so quick this month....forgive me, I was feeling inspired!


Many times in life, we look for a dose of motivation to get us moving on the right track. We are all in need of a little "push" from time to time. But what if I told you there was an easier way to create new habits, change behavior, and develop new thoughts? If we want change to be long lasting and less stressful, we need to look for INSPIRATION.

Motivation and inspiration are two different things. While both can move you into the life you want, motivation is more of a push and is based in fear. We are motivated to go to the gym because of the fear of weight gain. We are motivated to work hard because of the fear of loss of security. More motivation is needed to keep us from feeling our fear of failure. Motivation can have many positive effects in our lives but the root of what is moving us is fear.

Inspiration, on the other hand, comes from connecting with the power within and actually pulls us closer to our goal because we have found a compelling reason to get there. True inspiration moves us because we have connected with our values (and our greatness!) and it becomes easier to take the step forward. Do we still feel the fear? Absolutely! The reward is greater, however, and the focus has shifted. We are drawn to new behaviors because it is a true reflection of our "spirit". Thus, we are inspired!

So, to be inspired is to go to the gym to connect with your vibrant energy and honor your body. Inspiration at work draws you to a project that reflects your values and makes you feel fulfilled. Inspiration in life is to allow yourself to open up and take the chance to let your true self shine through.

Shine On & Enjoy the Journey!


Monday, April 30, 2007


When we think about "making a difference", we often frame it as a positive one. What do we want our legacy to be? How do we want to impact the world around us? Well, after thinking this very thought the other day I realized, we are always making a difference. Sometimes it is conscious and on purpose, and sometimes we don't have any idea of the effect. Sometimes it is a positive action and sometimes it is a negative one. Whether or not we fully acknowledge it, we are constantly shaping the world by what we are sending out to it.

With every choice we are confronted with, we are choosing to add our mark. It is the stamp we put on situations....a stamp of what we are really thinking, feeling, and of what we want to pass around in the world. Are we sending out patience and support? Or is it frustration and anger? Judgement? Tolerance? If a friend is looking for help, if someone cuts you off in traffic, if a family member is trying your patience, or if work is stressing you out, could it be that how we choose to react is what we cultivate more of in this world?

As humans, it seems we are always searching for the meaning. We hop from project to project, person to person, job to job looking for THE THING that we can connect with to become the people we strive to be. But what if the true meaning lies not only in the big moments but is weaved into the fabric of everyday life? Think about the smaller interactions we have all encountered that have made a big impact on us in some way. And let's look at our own "stamp" and see what it is we are contributing to the world....it can make all the difference.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

PURPOSE--You can take it with you anywhere

So often, when people think about Purpose and wonder what their mission is on this planet, they often put it in the same catagory as employment. "I haven't found my purpose" becomes a quest to find the right job. It seems to me, however, that your purpose in life may or may not have something to do with your career and maybe the happiest people you will meet in life have found a way to live their purpose within every area of their lives, regardless of what their "job" is.

Many clients who have come to me have realized (usually in their 30's) that the career they established was based more on other peoples input than a passion with in themselves. As we are so influenced by others, this is absolutely normal. If you should find yourself in that spot, however, there are 3 things you can do. 1. Stay the same . 2. figure out what your passion is, what your purpose calls you forth to do and inject that in to your current situation 3. Find a job or career that better fits your purpose.

Whatever you find your purpose to be, to build, to communicate, to create, to teach, inspire, to have fun....find ways to live that purpose in the life you have now. This will bring you abundant joy and you will be LIVING ON PURPOSE. And if you feel confused and are not sure what to do next, use purpose as a foundation, follow its gift, and the next step will reveal itself to you.

Monday, April 09, 2007

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." --Anais Nin

Is there a dream in you that wants to bloom? Are you ready to share it with the world? Sometimes we have to reach a point where the pain and sadness of inaction is more overwhelming than the fear of taking the leap. Often we find it hard to move to our next level of greatness because it is easier to stay with "the devil we know". What a beautiful thing it is, however, when we can turn the corner and embrace a new possibility. Sometimes it takes years--maybe even a lifetime to open up to true purpose.

And sometimes, the shift can happen in an instant.

Hello Everyone! I am very excited to be partnering with the lovely ladies of Santosha Yoga Studio in Cranston and I would like to invite you all to a workshop!
From time to time, we all become overwhelmed with negative thinking and energy drains. Getting stuck in the cycle can distract us from living life authentically and pursuing our dreams. In this workshop, we will explore what it means to take your power back, how to best re-connect with what you truly want in life and where to find the energy to live your life ON PURPOSE.

Sunday, April 22 nd 12-1:30 pm
Santosha Yoga Studio
14 Bartlett Ave. Cranston, RI
Pre-Registration required

Thursday, March 08, 2007


We are just a few weeks away from spring and you know what that means...Spring cleaning time! It is a really great excuse to go in for the deep clean and get rid of anything that is zapping your energy. How you feel when you walk into your house or office can have a lot to do with the things that occupy it. Do you have pictures and art up that makes you feel good? Are the colors working for you? Are there cluttered piles that need to be sorted through that make you feel exhausted every time you see them? Are the books and nick-nacks on the shelf and old clothes in the closet useful to you or are they just taking up space?

When I recently went through my house, I discovered some energy drains. Clothes that need to be donated to someone in need of a new wardrobe, books that need to find a new owner to learn from them. Old paperwork that wanted to be recycled. And an assortment of other objects that no longer served me...And I discovered that by clearing out, you not only feel better and lift your energy, you also make room for the new blessings to find you.

Enjoy the journey,

Monday, March 05, 2007


Yes, it is true that our brains are hard wired to look for the "problems" in life and concentrate on them. The reason? We are solution seekers--the brain is only trying to find a way to fix what we perceive to be wrong in our lives. However, if you start to feel overwhelmed by what is wrong you become less inclined to be grateful for what is right in your life. The result can be
feelings of anxiety and unhappiness. What can be done to counteract this effect? One very easy way to bring yourself back into balance is through daily acknowledgement.

When was the last time you really thanked yourself for a job well done? Do you often take a moment out of your day to reflect on how much you do in your life? More importantly, how would it be to acknowledge the person that you are? YOUR BEING. We are so rewarded in society for constantly staying in action and being busy that we forget to be proud of the people we are and the integrity we hold on the inside. If we don't acknowledge and appreciate ourselves, who else will?

I know it is difficult and a little uncomfortable but I challenge you to start the process today. I have often assigned my clients to acknowledge themselves 25 times a day! At first, they had a hard time thinking of that many, but over time it became easier. It will really open your eyes to all of the beauty you bring to the world by just being present and more aware in your life. The more you practice, the more you will see what is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in your life.
And that deserves some acknowledgement...

Friday, February 09, 2007


Would you like to network and have some fun?

I will be speaking at a new "network/netplay" group-- Women's Club SWANS
Thursday, March 15 th
Event starts at 6 p.m.

McGoverns on the Water
310 Shove Street
Fall River, Ma 02724

Receive $5 off registration if you register by Feb. 28 th and mention my name!

For more info:Women's Club SWANS March Netplay Event

James Baldwin: "Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one identity, and the end of safety. It is only when one is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream one has long cherished, or a privilege one has long possessed, that one has set oneself free for higher dreams, for greater privileges."


When I first read this quote from James Baldwin it made me a little sad. Then, I read it again and became really excited to share it with you. As a person who loves dreams and is passionate about helping people to "Dream Big" it was hard for me to think about letting them go. What I realized, however, is that there are times when we have outgrown our dreams and feel compelled to explore a different direction in our lives. As expert organizers often tell us, for every new thing we bring into our lives, it is best to let go of something we no longer use anymore. Often times we try to do both. Bring in the new and hold on to the safety of the old even though we have outgrown it....This keeps us in a type of limbo. We are not fully committed to a new change in our future but we no longer can honor the dreams of our past.
So, is there something in your life you would like to let go of in order to fully embrace a new dream for yourself? What is your exciting new dream for 2007?

Monday, January 08, 2007


We are one week into 2007...How are your New Year's Resolutions?? What are you wishing for? What do you want to change? What do you want more of?

Sometimes when we struggle to get what it is our heart is longing for, it is not because we don't deserve it. It may be a matter of tweaking how we are asking for it. The forces of the Universe want to help us but if we concentrate too hard on what we don't want, we end up attracting more of that. Instead of thinking about what you are fighting (ie: fighting to lose weight, struggling against debt, wishing for less demands on your life, frustrated about money and lack of abundance) how would it feel to shift your thoughts to WHAT YOU STAND FOR. When the stress triggers frustration, how about repeating a new mantra in your life?

"I stand for fitness and health. I stand for creating financial freedom. I create time and space for myself. I will see more opportunities to attract money easily."

It may feel funny at first---doesn't it always feel unnatural when trying to break an old habit? In time, you may feel less stressed out and more in control just by doing a little thought rearranging. What is it you would like to attract today??

For more on the Law of Attraction, visit www.thesecret.tv
The movie is an awesome way to begin to see how you can more powerfully create success (as defined by you!) in your life.